Celebration of Life for Steve Horn
Saturday April 5, 2025, 2:00pm
It is hard to believe that nine months have passed since Steve left this earthy plane. Though we miss him in physical form, we are grateful for all of the ways his spirit lives on in community. We are writing to invite you to a Celebration of Life for Steve on Saturday, April 5th at 2pm at the Lopez Island Community Center.

In addition to sharing remembrances, we will also have a selection of images displayed in the gallery space. Steve dreamed of putting together a "Lopez Retrospective" show before passing. When Laurel lived on Lopez amidst the beginning of the pandemic they started reviewing photographs together and pulling aside selections to share. During his last year, we took time as a family, including Lyla and Tobin clad in special photo handling gloves, for Steve to go through some of the printed images and tell their stories.

Request: to save us from printing and framing new images, we are hoping to build this show with images on loan from Lopez friends who already have them framed. If you are open to loaning the image from April 3rd - 29th to have hanging at the Community Center please send a picture or description of the images you have to [email protected] by Friday, January 31st.

We hope you can join us to share memories, love, and undoubtedly some laughs.

Doors will open at 1pm if you want to come and explore the "Lopez Retrospective" exhibit before. The ceremony will begin at 2pm with finger-food potluck to follow.

With love,

Laurel and Polly