Call for Board Members
Lopez Center for Community and the Arts is seeking new Board members who will be effective participants in supporting the mission of the Center.

We have a wonderful group of dedicated people serving on the Board and staff! Board members serve 3-year terms and meet monthly for 1-2hrs. Board members are also encouraged to find individual and team projects as part of their board service.

Characteristics of strong Board members include:

- Making decisions that are in the best interest of the organization
- Fulfilling obligations as a steward of the Center's assets, reputation, finances and human resources
- Looking ahead to help the the Center plan for the future
- Continuously learning about issues that affect the Center's operations

Please contact the center staff at [email protected] or nomination committee chair Dave Rucker at [email protected] by February 15th if you'd like to be considered as a candidate at the Annual Meeting on March 10!

Anyone who is interested in becoming a Board member must contact us in order to be listed on the slate of board member candidates that will be presented two weeks before the Annual Meeting.
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